OBJECTIVE OF TRENTE ET QUARANTE: The final goal of Trente et Quarante is to either score a row of cards totaling as close as possible to 30 or correctly predict the suit color of the first card in the row, depending on the type of bet that you have chosen.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS : Not specified
MATERIALS : 6 decks of standard playing cards, casino chips or cash, and a card table with a custom layout for the game.
TYPE OF GAME : Card Value & Chance
Trente et Quarante, or Thirty and Forty (also known as Rouge et Noir), is a classic card game from the 17th century, with French roots. It is a rare game to find at casinos, and even more so at online casinos. The game, however, is highly sought after in Continental Europe. It does have quite the fanbase, mainly due to the 98% returns rate it promises its players.
The premise of the game is simple. Players can choose to bet on either the value of the rows of cards or wager on the color of suit of the first card in the winning row. This leaves players with four different betting options – Rouge, Noir, Couleur, and Inverse. The game has a house advantage of 1% on every wager. 먹튀검증사이트
The round starts with the dealer dealing a row of cards on the Rouge table and a similar row on the Noir table. The croupier then begins accepting bets from all players at the table. Again, players can choose one or more bets of Rouge, Noir, Couleur, and Inverse. Once complete, the rows of cards will be uncovered. The dealer then determines the winning row based on their total. Any row nearest to 30 will be given the win. In addition, the Couleur and Inverse bets are also determined, based on whether the first card in the winning row matches the side of the table it is on, which would be either Rouge or Noir (Red or Black). The dealer then pays out wagers according to their respective bets.
- Aces are valued 1, court cards are 10 while pip cards are taken at face value.
- Rouge, Noir, Couleur, and Inverse are the bets available. Additionally, players can take out an Insurance bet to secure their bankroll.
- The row with the hand totaling closest to 30 (except 31) will be determined the winner.
- Any row that ties at a total of 31 will be deemed as a refait, which requires the bets to be carried forward into the next betting round.
- During a refait round, players can still request to receive half their bets back, with the remaining half carried on in play.
- Any ties for values between 32 to 40 will be required to take another card, or push.
- Insurance bets are 1% of the main bet and pays out when there is a 31 tie.
- Insurance is forfeited if the main bet loses.
- Insurance will be pushed for 32–40 ties and be paid out if won.
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