OBJECTIVE OF DESK-JOGGING: Be the first player to reach 100 points or more
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1 – 4 players
MATERIALS: 4 six sided dice, way to keep score
TYPE OF GAME: Dice game
AUDIENCE: Family, Adults
Desk-Jogging is a dice game created by Reiner Knizia. It is a simple game, but it challenges players differently than typical dice games do. During play, player’s will accumulate points by building dice combinations that get bigger and bigger.
In order to play Desk-Jogging, you will need four 6 sided dice, and a way to keep score. Determine who will go first by having each player roll a single die. The player with the highest roll goes first. The player with the lowest roll will keep score for the entire game.
During a player’s turn, they will begin by rolling all four dice. After rolling, the player must keep at least one die. What is kept cannot be rolled again. This continues with at least one die being kept per roll. Once a player has finished rolling no more than four times, the player must group their dice.
There are special rules for grouping dice during a player’s turn. Once a player is finished rolling, they may group their dice into 1 to 4 groups. The groups must be made in ascending order. For example, if after four rolls the player was left with 1,2,2,4, they could group the dice like this: (1,2) and (2,4). This would give the player a score of 9 for the first round. Each player should be given two lines for keeping score. The top line will be their running total, and the bottom line should be their most recent highest combination. Considering the example just given, the scorekeeper would write 9 on the top line for their current score, and they would write 6 on the bottom line since that was the highest combination rolled that turn. 메이저사이트추천
At the start of the second round, players must continue to create combinations in ascending order that are higher than their previous highest roll. For the player above, their lowest roll for round two must be a combination of 7 or more. A legal result could look something like this: 3,4,4,4. The player would group the dice like this: (3,4) and (4,4). That would give them a total of 15 points for the round, and a new highest roll of 8.
If a player finishes their final roll, and is unable to meet the requirements of the turn, their turn ends. They do not receive any points.
The first player to reach 100 points or more wins.
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