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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2021


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  ARIMAA OBJECTIVE OF ARIMAA:  The objective of Arimaa is to be the first player to get your rabbits to the opposite side of the board. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 Players MATERIALS:  32 Chess Pieces, 8×8 board, and Instructions TYPE OF GAME :  Strategy Board Game AUDIENCE:  Ages 10 and Up OVERVIEW OF ARIMAA  In Arimaa, stronger animals like elephants and camels are able to push and pull the weaker animals around. They may push them into traps, and while you are defending, their rabbit may sneak past you. Although it sounds simple, it can take a lifetime of playing to master this game. Each player will take turns while their opponent watches closely. The players should try and move their rabbits to the other side of the board without losing all of them! SETUP Beginning with an empty 8×8 board, the player with the gold pieces will place them on the first two rows of their side. Game pieces are able to be placed in any way that the player wants, as there are n...


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  ZOOWABOO OBJECTIVE OF ZOOWABOO:  The objective of Zoowaboo is to be the player who guesses the most correct animals. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 to 4 Players MATERIALS:  1 hourglass, 4 “no” chips, 4 “yes” chips, 18 winning chips, 30 animal cards, 30 wooden animals, 6 rafts, and instructions TYPE OF GAME :  Children’s Card Game AUDIENCE:  Ages 5 and Up OVERVIEW OF ZOOWABOO Annually, all of the animals go rafting down the wild river, and everyone wants to be involved in the fun! Will there be enough room for all of them? Players choose ten animal tokens to represent the animals that will board the raft. Players will try and ensure that all of the animals fit. If they are wrong, then no points are won! If they are able to make them fit, then the points are theirs! SETUP Setup is short and simple. Begin by placing the animals and rafts on the table where the game will be played. The winning chips and timer are placed near the playing area, within reach of all other...


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  BASARI OBJECTIVE OF BASARI:  The objective of Basari is to win the game by being the player with the most points after three rounds of gameplay. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  3 to 4 Players MATERIALS:  Instructions, 4 sets of Playing Pieces, 100 Gemstones, and a Gameboard TYPE OF GAME :  Strategy Board Game AUDIENCE:  Ages 10 and Up OVERVIEW OF BASARI In Basari, players act as gem merchants. They will compete in the high stakes market by racing, trading, collecting, and predicting the next move of their opposing merchants. Players will attempt to make a move that no other player is making. If they make the same move as another player, they must attempt to haggle for who will get to make their desired move. SETUP Setup is quick and easy. Simply place the game board in the middle of the playing area. 25 gemstones of each color are then placed on the matching-colored areas on the board. Each player will collect 12 gemstones, 3 of each of the 4 colors, displaying them ...


Hình ảnh
  TRUE COLORS OBJECT OF TRUE COLORS:  The object of True Colors is to be the player with the highest score after ten rounds. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  3 to 6 players MATERIALS:  Instructions, 3 Guessing Cards, 1 Ballot Box, 6 Avatars, 60 Voting Cards, and 85 Double-sided Question Cards TYPE OF GAME:  Party Card Game AUDIENCE:  13+ OVERVIEW OF TRUE COLORS How well do you know your friends? How well do they know you? This game will see if you really know each other’s true colors. After a card is read, all players decide who they think best fits the description.  Do you think you received any of those votes? Better hope your guess is right, or else you can find yourself as the loser quickly! With 170 hilarious questions, True Colors is the perfect way to find out what your friends really think about you! Are you ready for ten rounds? Play and see! SETUP To begin the setup, each player chooses a color to use as their avatar. They will then take one voting card, ...


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  TRIVILLENNIAL OBJECT OF TRIVILLENNIAL:  The object of Trivillennial is to be the first player to obtain ten points.  NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 to 8 players MATERIALS:  1000 Trivia Question Cards TYPE OF GAME:  Party Card Game AUDIENCE:  17+ OVERVIEW OF TRIVILLENNIAL A game for Millennials, by Millennials! This game is made perfectly for younger generations and those involved in the goings on of today’s time! Is social media a staple in your everyday life? This is the game for you!  Test how well you know the moments, controversies, and people that have defined our generation! There have been tons of things happen in our lifetime, and very little has been kept in the dark. Are you in the know? Trivillennial will help you to figure that out! SETUP Place the cards from the deck into ten different stacks, based on color. These are the ten categories that questions can be chosen from throughout the course of the game. Each player is then given an A, B, C...


Hình ảnh
  MORAL CONFLICT OBJECT OF MORAL CONFLICT:  The object of Moral Conflict is to have the lowest amount of points at the end of the game. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  3 to 6 players MATERIALS:  6 Paddle Boards, 6 Whiteboards with Erasers, and 100 Question Cards TYPE OF GAME:  Party Card Game AUDIENCE:  14+ OVERVIEW OF MORAL CONFLICT Are you morally good? This game is an outrageous game of most likely to! Each card has a most likely to question, and all players vote on who they think is most likely to! Test your moral conflict! Take turns reading cards and nominate other players.  SETUP To setup Moral Conflict, ensure all players have a paddle, whiteboard, and eraser. Shuffle the question cards and leave the pile facedown in the middle of the group. The game is ready to begin!  먹튀검증업체 GAMEPLAY The youngest player in the group will read the first question card. After the card is read out loud, all players will write who they think the card applies to the most ...


Hình ảnh
  IF YOU HAD TO… OBJECT OF IF YOU HAD TO:  The object of If You Had To is to be the first player to reach five points.  NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  3 or more players MATERIALS:  250 Playing Cards TYPE OF GAME:  Party Card Game AUDIENCE:  17+ OVERVIEW OF IF YOU HAD TO If You Had To makes the game Would You Rather seem like a bore! Instead of attempting to cook up terrible things to choose between, this game makes it simple! With 250 playing cards, that each have their own horrible and hilarious scenarios, it’s difficult to choose what is worse!  Each player is able to argue their choice, making it even harder than it seemed in the first place! Time to choose if you would rather eat all your meals of Vin Diesel’s head or fill your pants with gravy every morning. If you think that’s a hard decision, just wait! They only get worse from here! SETUP To begin set up, the cards are shuffled. Each player is then dealt five cards. After each player has their five c...


Hình ảnh
  YOU LAUGH YOU DRINK OBJECT OF YOU LAUGH YOU DRINK:  The object of You Laugh You Drink is to make your target laugh when you are prompted by a card. The first person with seven points wins the game! NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  3 or more players MATERIALS:  150 Playing Cards TYPE OF GAME:  Party Card Game AUDIENCE:  21+ OVERVIEW OF YOU LAUGH YOU DRINK Are you the Joker of the friend group? Do you just have that special ability to always make people laugh? If so, this is the game for you! This party game has only one goal, to make the other person break!  The cards prompt actions that are sure to make someone in the group laugh, hopefully it will be the Target! Each round, the Joker chooses who they will try to make laugh. The Target must try their best to hold it together while the action on the card is completed.  You laugh, you drink. The punishment is in the name! After a few rounds (and drinks) the game gets a lot harder! SETUP To setup You Laugh You ...


Hình ảnh
  KING PEDRO OBJECTIVE OF KING PEDRO:  The objective of King Pedro is to be the first team to reach 200 or more points. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  4 Players MATERIALS:  A 52-card deck, a way to keep score, and a flat surface. TYPE OF GAME :  Trick-Taking Card Game AUDIENCE:  10+ OVERVIEW OF KING PEDRO King Pedro is a trick-taking card game for 4 players. These 4 players will split into two partnerships of 2 players and teammates will sit opposite of each other. The goal of the game is to reach 200 or more points. The points are cumulative and to win you must reach or exceed 200 points on a successful bid.  SETUP The first dealer is chosen at random and passes to the left after each round. The dealer will shuffle the deck and deal each player a hand of 12 cards, 3 cards at a time. A kitty of 4 cards is dealt to the center. Then the bidding round can begin. Card Rankings and Values King Pedro has two different rankings, one for the trump suit and one for non-tr...


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  NICARAGUAN PEDRO OBJECTIVE OF NICARAGUAN PEDRO:  The objective of Nicaraguan Pedro is to be the first team to reach 52 points. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  4 Players MATERIALS:  A 52-card deck, a way to keep score, and a flat surface. TYPE OF GAME :  Trick-Taking Card Game AUDIENCE:  10+ OVERVIEW OF NICARAGUAN PEDRO Nicaraguan Pedro is a trick-taking card game for 4 players. These 4 players will split into two partnerships of 2 players and teammates will sit opposite of each other. The goal of the game is to reach 52 points. Teams do this by bidding on how many tricks they think they can win in the round and winning certain point cards. SETUP The first dealer is chosen at random and passes to the left after each round. The dealer will shuffle the deck and deal each player a hand of 7 cards. Then the bidding round can begin. Card Rankings and Values Nicaraguan Pedro has two different rankings, one for the trump suit and one for non-trump suits. For Nicaraguan Pedro...


Hình ảnh
  PIDRO OBJECTIVE OF PITCH WITH FIVES:  The objective of Pitch with Fives is to be the first team to reach 31 points. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  4 Players MATERIALS:  A 52-card deck, a way to keep score, and a flat surface. TYPE OF GAME :  Trick-Taking Card Game AUDIENCE:  10+ OVERVIEW OF PITCH WITH FIVES Pitch with Fives is a trick-taking card game for 4 players. These 4 players will split into two partnerships of 2 players and teammates will sit opposite of each other. The goal of the game is to reach 31 points. Teams do this by bidding on how many tricks they think they can win in the round and winning certain point cards. Pitch with Fives is also called Catch Five in some places. SETUP The first dealer is chosen at random and passes to the left after each round. The dealer will shuffle the deck and deal each player a hand of 6 cards, 3 cards at a time. Then the bidding round can begin. Card Rankings and Values Pitch with Fives has two different rankings, one f...